The Primary Department consists of 8 teaching rooms. Each room has an en-suite toilet facility which is purpose built for use by more physically disabled children who require the use of plinths or are being toilet trained. There is also an over-head tracking system for using hoists in each room. Two rooms have an Interactive white-board. These are timetabled for all classes to use in the department. There is a shared social area which is used for dining and departmental activities.
There are 4 main resource bases in the school, to which all staff have access. These are located in the social areas and contain collective resources for each of the curricular subjects.
Class teachers are supported by an Early Years Practitioner (EYP) and/or one or two ASNA’s in each classroom. The number of children in each class can vary according to the needs of the pupils concerned, as may the staff. There is a Link Deputy Head Teacher as well as a Principal Teacher, who organises the day to day running of the department.
In the main the children are grouped in classes chronologically although at certain stages they may be grouped by ability according to their developmental stage. Class groupings can be flexible with children integrating according to the type and level of activity being offered. Through our groupings we try to provide a well-structured environment which will allow for a variety of activities and choices appropriate to the children’s development.