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Practical & Aesthetics Department

The school has what is referred to as a P&A Department.  This is made up of several subjets Music, Art, Home Economics and Physical Education.  Each pupil will have the opportunity to take part in these activities.

Art - This accommodation comprises of two purpose built Art rooms. Art staff offer a wide range of activities including: painting, drawing, printmaking, clay work, 3-D design, papier mache work and collage. Art staff aim to:

  • Provide relevant visual experiences
  • Develop practical and creative skills
  • Develop visual appreciation of Art and Design
  • Develop imaginative and expressive skills in visual terms
  • Develop each pupil’s self esteem and confidence
  • Use pupils’ Art work to improve the environment of the school visually and stimulate interest in their surroundings.


Home Economics - This department has a modern kitchen with individual work stations and a flat with kitchen area.

Pupils are encouraged to develop:

  • Safety skills
  • Hygienic working practices
  • Basic cookery skills
  • Independent Living skills
  • An interest in healthy eating reflecting current dietary advice.


Music - This department is located in two well-equipped Music rooms. A wide range of musical instruments are available including keyboards, violin, guitar, piano, drum kit, recorder and other percussive, wind and stringed instruments.

Music staff aim to:

  • Nurture and foster pupils musical skills
  • Develop musical awareness, appreciation, participation and skill
  • Develop each pupil’s self esteem
  • Develop a lifelong love of music
  • Offer pupils a broad and enriching experience which is inclusive to all.


Physical Education - This department has excellent facilities, including a Gym, Swimming Pool and Outdoor Playing Fields within the school grounds.

PE staff aim to provide pupils with a variety of appropriate movement experiences through a balanced, progressive and wide ranging curriculum which includes: swimming and water activities, games, dance, gymnastics, co-operative games and athletics. S4 and above choose from a range of activities which includes the use of local sporting facilities including Olympia Leisure Centre, fitness at Douglas Sports Centre, orienteering at Camperdown and other local parks and bowling at RAF Leuchars.